Welcome to the 6 Performance Academy website! Over the past 2 years, our class offerings have grown from being strictly commercial voice-over workshops and VO classes, to now include voice-over classes and workshops of all types. Including advanced voice-over, long form narration, audiobooks, animation, video games, and more. We also offer many different film & Television acting classes, private coaching in film/TV, theatre, and voice-over, as well as our very popular 2 week emerging artist summer acting intensive. Our teachers have grown to now include Christian Goutsis, Chantal Perron, Tom Carey, Anna Cummer, Samantha McDonald, and Vanessa Holmes.
We are honoured to have received amazing support from our friends and colleagues around Alberta, and would specifically like to thank all Alberta talent agents, Tina Alford and ACTRA Alberta, Chris Cinnamon, and Rhonda Fisekci.
Lastly, we would like to thank our students. We are proud and humbled by the great work that our students have done, and all the successes they have achieved. We have been inspired by everyone who has come through our doors. Thank you so much and we look forward to working with you again, either in class or on set, on stage, or in the booth.